Day: October 20, 2020

News Informatique

Continuous Access Evaluation in Azure AD [Public Preview]

Microsoft has introduced Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE) for tenants who had not configured any Conditional Access policies. CAE provides the next level of identity security by terminating active user sessions to a subset of Microsoft services (Exchange and Teams) in real-time on changes such as account disable, password reset, and admin initiated user revocation. The …

Conditional Access for Office 365 Suite [General Availability]

The 8th October, Microsoft is announcing GA of Conditional Access for the Office 365 Suite! You can set a policy for all Office 365 apps, including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Microsoft Teams, as well as micro-services used by these well-known apps, by targetting Office 365 Suite in the Conditional Access policy. With the GA …

Publisher verification and app consent policies [General Availability]

With usage of cloud apps and the remote work, attackers leverage application-based attacks, such as consent phishing. Indeed, they try to to gain unwarranted access to valuable data in cloud services. General availability of publisher verification At the beginning of this month, Microsoft announced that publisher verification was generally available. This capability allows developers to add a …

Migrating from Exchange Transport Rules to Unified DLP

Microsoft shared a document that provides an overview of how enterprise customers can migrate their existing Exchange Transport Rules to Unified DLP portal. It walks through the different stages of migration and shows the effectiveness of the unified DLP portal as a single place to define all aspects of your DLP strategy. In summary, this …