[Public Preview] Windows Autopatch Reliability Report
The Windows Autopatch Reliability report is a new feature that will be accessible in the Windows Autopatch Reports section of the Microsoft Intune admin center. This new report provides a calculated reliability score across update cycles based on the occurrences of stop code errors detected on managed devices. Scores are determined at both the service and tenant level. Details on modules associated with stop code errors at the tenant level will be provided to better understand how devices are affected.
When this will happen:
The public preview anticipated release is February 26, 2024
How this will affect your organization:
You can monitor and potentially improve your device reliability score. For example, module details from the report might identify a third-party software component associated with stop errors. You can contact the software provider to determine if there is a known issue or a newer version of software available to address the issue.
The calculated reliability score is only reported once a minimum of 100 registered devices have completed a Windows quality update.
What you need to do to prepare:
Ensure that at least 100 devices are registered and active in the Windows Autopatch service.
The service and reporting are not affected if you do not meet the minimum number of registered devices. In such cases, tenants with fewer than the required number of registered devices simply will not be able to access the reliability score for that tenant.
If you have any questions or concerns, or need assistance, file a service request by visiting the Microsoft Intune admin center.
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