Month: December 2019

News Informatique

Recommandations pour une utilisation sécurisée de Zed!

Recommandations de l’ANSSI (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information) pour une utilisation sécurisée de Zed! Ce document fournit des recommandations pour un déploiement et une utilisation sécurisés du produit Zed de Prim’X

Announcement – Updates to the M365 Attack Simulator [EN]

13/12/2019 – Microsoft has announced several new features in the phish simulation tool. This includes: an attachment-based phishing attack the ability to filter your simulation user targets by directory metadata like title, city, and department the inclusion of IP addresses and client data in the simulation detail report Simulation phish message simulations are included in …

Attack Simulator – new phishing simulation feature [EN]

Microsoft has recently add a new feature to Attack Simulator : Advanced reporting capabilities. The ability to see data such as the fastest (or slowest) time to open an attack simulation email message, the fastest (or slowest) time to click a link in the message, and more visualizations. Even if Microsoft does not announce yet …

Office 365 ATP – new campaign views [EN]

Introducing campaign views in Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection Office 365 ATP’s new campaign view, in public preview today, provides complete details about a campaign, including when it started, how big it is, the sending pattern & timeline, IP addresses and senders, which messages were blocked or otherwise, etc Armed with additional context and visibility …

AADConnect – version [EN]

Last Friday, Microsoft released a new version of Azure AD Connect: v1.4.38.0 What’s new ? New features and improvements Updating Password Hash Sync for Azure AD Domain Services to properly account for padding in Kerberos hashes. This will provide a performance improvement during password synchronization from AAD to Azure AD Domain Services. Adding support for …